Accepted in International journal of Computer Applications (IJCA)


Well, before I am starting my day today, I felt that I would get a good news today, especially about my paper submission in 3 journals. I submitted the paper collaborated with my wife (Ratih NEA) at 3 different journals, of course with 3 different topics. They are:

(1) International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA);

(2) Natural Hazard (SCI Journal); and

(3) International Journal of Engineering (IJE) idexed by SCOPUS, COMPENDEX, and Islamic SCI

An today I got this following email: Baca lebih lanjut

Story of January 2013


Only one word: AMAZING!

I could not describe how happy I am. Today is January 25 2013, and this is the third week of January or in the beginning of the fourth week. I started my whole life again in the beginning of January, more precisely it was planned on 3th January 2013 after coming back from 10 days holiday in Trenggalek. 10 days holiday was quite long hence after coming back from Trenggalek I reschedule and re-planned my whole life.

Well, I read “Mengelola hidup dan merencanakan masa depan (MHMD)” almost 6 years ago. I also planned my life after reading that book, but recently, this is going to be more real. Amazing!. I have 7 goals in this month and made more than 10 goals in this year. I divided my one year goals in each month and wrote down on my own agenda so then I can control it. After working and controlling my works in order to finish my goals, this 22 days have confirmed that my 7 goals are DONE. wow! this shows the power of discipline. I submit 4 papers (2 journals and 2 conferences), learning probabilistic analysis of earthquake engineering, finishing the proposal of travel grant for 2 conferences, memorizing 22 ayahs in Al Qur’an, and finishing 2 editions of the NEUTRON journal. Wow, that is huge. I never be so discipline on finishing my works. What makes difference with my previous activities? it’s because these 4 papers are collaborated with my wife. I wish one from 2 submitted journals will be accepted, that would be very special for me and my family. Baca lebih lanjut